Cutie's favorite ice cream flavor is Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie. She likes Pistachio Pistachio but not as much as the fav. It was nice to have B&J after the matzah Passover fest. Since we are Sephardic her vegy diet was good - beans rice nuts, and vegy's, it was food as usual.
We had Sedar at Adam's. Cutie did a great job. Even the songs she didn't know - she faked well. She did know - the order, 4 questions, baruck hamacom, the plagues. Not so bad for a 4-1/2 year old.
Since I went back to work on a temporary assignment, we had many sitters during school break. Every day it change. I like mom's with children her age. They aren't afraid of bugs. Highschool students that want to be art teachers are good also. Everyday I left projects for her to do.
Tomorrow is a school day. Ahh. She really enjoyed Fire Island this weekend. We are not selling the house just yet. We have an offer at $632,000. When you factor in broker commission, it's not a great deal. We are in a crisis, but people will soon be feeling better. It's not about reality - it's about whatever everyone is thinking.There are three industries doing well, education (even though the public school system sucks), government (welcome to socialism) and healthcare. I adjusted and found a job in branding a healthcare company. When healthcare is nationalized they want to be positioned to supply the drugs. They didn't tell me that - but that's where we are heading in a few more breakdowns.
We accidently left Teddy in the Fire Island house. It's the first time in 4 years she's without Teddy Bear. She cried at first, but we have another stuff animal sub. I'm thinking the week will be good for her.
Got to get ready for school tomorrow.