I can't find my bathing suits -- not that they'll fit anymore. Age finally caught up with me and I'm living a very different life than 3 years ago. I drive to work, sit, drive home. I used to walk to and from work in the city. And even when we lived in Nyack, I walked or roller bladed to the bus. And then walked to the office from the train. Now it's car all the time. I'm not a gym person. I like the exercise in my daily routine.
I can't find my bathing suit and we have a free day at the town pool. We want to take advantage of our $20,000+ property tax bill. We are going to the town pool if I have to go naked. Aliza watching my angst. -
Mommy - Even if life doesn't come your way it's still fun.
Gotta love her.
6 years ago