Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Mothers are starting to hate me. I posted a picture of a tiger mom on my FB page.

I believe that moms are responsible for nut allergies in kids. If you don't expose your baby to nuts early, they are going to develop an allergy. Moms who eat nuts when pregant, have nuts around the house, probably won't have a child who's allergic.

I believe that moms who feed their children food designed for children (chicken nuggets ...) are practicing a form of child abuse.

I believe that children are fat because they are bored and have nothing better to do than eat junk. If a child is having fun, running around, keeping busy, doing something they love doing, they will never say they are hungry. It they are not busy, it's mom's fault.

Then the mothers tell me - well, you only have one. I don't think if cutie had a sibling it would be that much different. I still wouldn't serve chicken nuggets.

They each would have activities they enjoy. They would keep each other busy. It would actually be easier.
Cutie's favorite foods are things like potato leek soup, stuffed green peppers, salad pizza. Yes she eats ice cream - but doesn't do birthday cake. She likes four bean salad, quinoa burgers, and stirfry. Yes, I developed her palette in utero.

Moms hate me. Even my mom can't wait to get off the phone with me. In the end I'll be proven right.

Until then.