I love my car. It's a Subaru. This is surprising because I used to hate cars. To me, cars killed people and I never wanted to drive one. But now that I live in the burbs and I love my Subaru. I still don't like other cars - mainly luxury models. You can't see or feel the road. They make you feel indestructible
I love Target. It's opened late and has stuff you don't need but sort of think you may need in the next few months. So you buy it and store it because you have so much storage space in your less than 1500 square foot house.
I saw this commercial on TV for an Oil of Olay product that diminishes dark spots on your face. I'm all over it. Just bought some OOO products and will report back in the next few weeks. I think the ad ran on Mad Men. If it did it's a perfect media buy. Most "Mad Men" watchers are old ad women in need of looking younger.
6 years ago
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