I once read that there are 200 people in the world who really control the financial markets. It's one of those things that you know is true, but as long as you get your needs filled you will tow the line. On the flip side is that 24% of the world population live in extreme poverty. And it's going to get worse before it gets better. I assume that most are women and children.
We have to start changing the attitudes and behaviors of countries that do not give equal opportunities for women. Any government that has different, and yes, even different religious rules for women than men must be made to change. Once this happens, we will see a change in proverty levels. We will have less of it because fewer children will be born.
On that note, I finished Almost Single, http://www.indiaclub.com/Shop/SearchResults.asp?ProdStock=23120
India is not there yet, but it's on the right track. It's good to spend too much money on shoes you don't need. It keeps the economy going. It also make people want things so they will want to work. Good paying jobs require education.
It reminds me of what I wrote in my journal during my trip to India in the early 1990's. As soon as I find it, I will transcribe.
6 years ago
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