At the last minute, after dropping Cutie off at school, my friend an I ventured into the city to protest Iran's plan to destroy the State of Israel. President Ahmandinejad of Iran was scheduled to address the UN.
At first both Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin were to address the group. Hilary pulled. The Jewish Organizations then cancelled Palin.
After dropping Cutie at school, my rally friend gave me an article to read.
This morning I read,0,1812871.story?track=ntothtml
I'm very worried.
What Hilary did was wrong. She shouldn't have pulled out because of Palin. What the UJA and Jewish council did was wrong. They shouldn't have disinvited Palin.
The women of the west should continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with with Planned Parenthood and teach the women of the world how babies are made AND how to stop them from getting or being pregnant.
The missed opportunity is what I've been saying - We should turn the tables on every country that treats women as slaves and deprives them with of control of their wombs and their faces, hair, arms. legs, minds and hearts. Any person that tells a women what she can't seek to end an unwanted pregnancy, especially in cases of violent acts such as rape and incest or against the advice of her doctor, is a form of slavery.
If the US stands alone in supporting Israel, the Jews are in trouble. The US needs to convince the world that the world will not tolerate countries that treat women as second class citizens. Jewish organizations must convince the world that as Jews we will not tolerate women as second class citizens (I'm sorry to say that we need to first convince some of our own first.) All western countries will agree with that statement. And if the christian, jewish, islamic and other "cultures" world comes around to this way of thinking - Israel may have a fighting chance.
As I see it the right for a women to do want she wants is not that far from the support of Israel in the face of Islamic extremeism. It's not about abortion - it's about the rights of women.
Let's get the world focused on the rights of women to diffuse the focus on Israel. It's a much easier sell. Now is the time with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni being a women.
6 years ago
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