Bombing of Bombay (Mumbai) is making me sad. I was there in the early 90's when it was Bombay. I was at the Oberion and Tal Mahal Hotels. Usually for drinks with fellow travellers. Ever since I did a report on India in middle school I wanted to go. So when I finally did it was a dream come true. I loved travelling around India. The people I met were interesting on many levels. Whether it was the train (travelling second class) and was asked if I was a Christian ("no I'm Jewish") or meeting a student from South Africa who was making a pilgrimage to the country of his parents, I was never bored and had to live by my wits.
Hoping for Peace in India.
And the Bulldog coffee shop in Amsterdam is closing. OK that's not on the same level as Mumbai, but it made me think about the closing of Piccolino's resturant on Amsterdam Ave on the UWS. They made the best pasta ever. My mom, mom's friend Barbara, brother and I went one snowy evening for dinner. We each ordered a pasta and every few minutes we moved our dish to the left. That way we all shared a cornucopia of delight.
6 years ago
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