The sheer number of forms we had to fill out to become a census worker boggles the mind. It was around 15 documents with form numbers like D-186F. and OF-306. If it wasn't so painful it would be comical. SNL has to do a skit on it.
The scary part is this may be the beginning of the US becoming a 3rd world country. I'm reading Collapse by Jared Diamond. I'm starting to see a bigger picture and it's scary. We are moving closer to a socialist government. With 1 in 6 people working for the government because they have to manage the forms alone - you can easily see where this is going. My census gig will last about 4 weeks.
The entire training part with all the existing forms and fingerprinting could have been done in 3 hours with the right presentations and script. It was just all wrong. This is an opportunity. It's almost as if I want to start working on Census 2020 from a consulting standpoint.
BTW I liked the people in my group. They would have been my friends in school.
6 years ago
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