I'm happy to say I got another bowling turkey. My final score was 149. I should be happy with that - but noooo. My friend bowled a 150 and my other friend bowled a 181. You could say I'm a little competitive.
That brings me to my dad's boxes. I found a book in one of the three boxes my mom brought over last week. It was a library book that was supposed to be returned in 1963. The book is Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution" by Peter Kropotkin. It's sort of a treatise on finding groups of people to help you progress. The unsociable are doomed. The school of Cooperative Individualism was born. I’m buying it. It came out around the same time as Darwin’s “Survival of the Fittest” and T.H. Huxley’s “Struggle for Existence
I think I found my group and I can still be competitive in sports. I think that will keep me young. I already noticed some suburban sprawl around my middle section. Walking in the city keeps people healthy. Not much reason to walk on our mountain.
I love it when streams of consciousness collide.
6 years ago
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