While I was shopping I bought some POM Light Green Tea. When I needed a treat I used to buy POM tea when I was working on Madison Ave. I love the bottle it comes in. It's really a drinking glass. The shape makes everything you put in it taste great. It's like an old fashion jelly glass that turns into a drinking glass - Just sexier.
Like I did in my working in the city days, I recycled the POM Tea glass by using it many times over. I put on own decaf green tea and juice in it cover it with the pink top and store it for easy access in the fridge. Cutie saw it and wanted to know what it was. I told her and she said it must have been made by a girl. Why? Because it has a pink cover.
Of course she was right. I read an article in the New Yorker last month about Lynda Resnick who is responsible for POM Tea. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/03/31/080331fa_fact_fortini
It's a must read article.
The other thing that was interesting was the use of the ingredient erythritol. Erythritol came into my field of vision while at the Madison Ave. shop. We were working on Sweet Simplicity Sweetener and it was made with the stuff. It's really a sugar alcohol with less calories than sugar and diabetics can use it. Stoneyfield farms is using it in their yogurt.
6 years ago
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