Dolly and Rod and a Free $25 Gift Card for my Mail Delivery Person.
I'm in the Dentist today getting a scaling when Baby,It's Cold Outside starts playing on the radio. The Hygienist says isn't it odd that Rod Steward and Dolly Partner teamed up for this Duet. Since I can't talk I get to think about that for a while.
Finally I had a moment to share. As true artists get older they like to try and do new things - to stretch their range of experiences. It helps them grow as people. Both of them can sing. They probably met one another at a party and said wouldn't it be fun to sing a song together. Because both are famous and are blessed with iconic status they can pretty much do what they want. And as long as it's good, it will be successful. They are now cross pollinating their brands and telling the world that we are comfortable with who they are. They achieved a sort of wisdom and are having fun with it. The funny thing is I never really liked either singer. But today I recognize them for the true artists that they are.
Commerce Bank opened up in New City today. I stopped by and opened an account for $250 and get a free $25 gift card. Since I didn't have time to finish the process, I told them to complete the application for me and I'd be back later to sign what needed signing.
I came back with Cutie Face. She had loads of fun at the bank. There was a "C" (their logo) mascot. She didn't understand why he couldn't open his mouth. But figured out it was a person inside. She also got candy canes, and "C" bank, change purse, teddy bear, t-shirt, santa hat, bandaids, tissue pack, magnet, and tree ornament. All is crap and still they don't charge fees for things.
Maybe I can team the bank up with Cutie's school.
6 years ago
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