Pakistan opposition leader, ex prime minister, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. Bhutto was a women who was prime minister. But the country is Islamic and there is no hope in today's world for freedom in an Islamic environment. But nobody cares.
I just did an evaluation of Cigna Health Insurance for 2007. We paid over $15,000 for 2007 for a family of 3.
If we had just paid what the doctors charge, our costs would have been $12,000. The negotiated rates our costs would be $4000. So the doctors are out $8000 and it goes to the insurance company. That pisses me off. If we just split the difference between the doctors and patients we would save thousands of dollars.
The problem is nobody cares. It's sort of like school taxes. It's cheaper to send all children in the Nyack district to private schools instead of the mediocre public schools that spend $23,000/per child with a 44% of students not reading/math levels at grade level in 6th and 8th grade. It's probably higher in high school but they move all those who won't pass into another school program so they don't count.We just pay. Nobody cares.
6 years ago
1 comment:
The purpose of most health insurance plans isn't to cover your run-of-the-mill medical costs, but rather pay for any major medical expenses that may occur. So while your expenses may have been greater than your actual costs for THIS year, if you or your family had major issues (God forbid) it would be covered. If every person in your HMO expenses were less than their costs, your HMO would be out of business.
It could be worse - before the introductions of HMO's, if you needed a organ transplant or had aggressive cancer, odds are that you would be dead unless you were independently wealthy.
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