There's no enjoyment for me to stop what I'm doing and eat breakfast, lunch or dinner. I'm a snack all day while doing things kind of person. Eating for me is just a BIG waste of time. Plus, I only like to eat when I'm hungry - not when the clock says 6pm. I prefer foods at 3pm and 10pm in front of the TV or computer.
This causes some contention with hubby. He's a stop whatever you are doing at noon to eat at the table kind of person.
So now we have Cutie. She also thinks eating is sort of a waste of time and only likes to eat when she's hungry. Her favorite words when called to the table are "I'm not hungry" or grabs the food from the table and brings it to the computer. Hubby makes her sit at the table to eat. It's painful to watch her cry as she sits at the table. She won't stop crying and won't eat unless you give her something else to do. Usually talking about a picture book or playing a game will help.
When growing up, I remember hating to eat at the dinner table. Mom used to threaten us with no food. I opted out many times. I couldn't wait to leave home so I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted. I have the same problem when working. I don't usually like eating with colleagues.
6 years ago
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