I've been avoiding Facebook and Linkin for a while now. I finally succumbed to Facebook. I wanted to see what all the hubbab was about. I can see possible applications for PTA, soccer and other secretarial duties one has with children. I can see the appeal with students. Facebook has legs.
Now Disney has an online game, Club Penguin for children. Cutie Face is 3yo and is navigating and playing the games. She can't acumulate friends and communicated with them yet because well - she's only 3. The online game is free the start, but if you want more functionality and the ability to buy things for your penguin, you have to pay about $5/month. I would sign up except I have know idea how long this game will keep her interest with the ability to email and collect friends.
Now Webkinz is a better model for the consumer. You buy a stuffed animal (or more) and it has a code that you enter into the website and you now can play games, collect points and buy things for your Webkinz(s). A Webkinz must be feed, clothes and entertained. The longevity is 1 year from sign-up. If she doesn't play - at least you have the stuffed animal.
It's only a matter of time before we sign up for club penguin. But the price must drop to $1/month.
6 years ago
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