Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I've Lost My Edge

On the train home after a job interview I realized that something is missing. I came off as the most boring person on earth. When asked what else I like to do - I was shell shocked. Did I talk about the books I'm reading from other cultures? Did I talk about walking with my friend discussing the world at large? Did I mention I was a goldsmith? Did I mention my save NY work from economic collapse or that I knit? No. I said I like to work. And I went dark.
It was a job I really wanted. Something is happening to me in the burbs. I'm dying.

1 comment:

marts said...

Jeez, Monica! I'm catching up on your blog; that must have been some interview! Oh puleeze, you're one of the most open-minded, multidimensional people I know! Don't even go there! I feel the way you do, and I don't even live in the burbs! It's age, perspective, and knowing that we need to keep making money no matter what! That's what's boring; not you!!!

I know this is such history by now and you have a new gig you need references for, and I hope it's just the thing to get your juices flowing again!

I'm sending this to you on Facebook too!

Best, M