Saturday, April 14, 2012

Broken Arm and Niagara

Cutie broke her arm on the falling off the school playground swing. She was going so high, the swing jerked. First, why are they having recess before lunch. Second, why did she have to walk carrying her broken arm to the teacher?

She was a trooper at the hospital. No skating for 6 weeks no mini-camp. Urg! it's synchro tryout month. She's trying for Sky and Team Im. So in lieu of mini camp it's Niagara. LOVED IT! Back to skating.

Cutie's skating stats for Sky:

Her current team has moved her to the next level - Preliminary which a Sat night practice, 15 mins from our house, and Sylvia as coach. However, we dream of Sky. Sky tryouts are this week. We have to write on the card which line she will except a position. Don't really want to stay in Beg. But don't think they will put us on Prelim. Also, it's 50 mins from our house on Monday night. Great coaches.

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