Sunday, April 29, 2012

Public School for Dummies

Cutie's Hebrew Day school is closing. I'm back at work at 1/3 my 1999 salary. We are off to Public School. I'm learning all about NYS school standards. I met with the principal of our Elementary school last month. She's really just a manager. Schools can't really do anything great because the "world according to NYS" is that school is all about testing. I actually like tests. However, I think you should take each test when you are ready - not because you are in 3rd grade. Just like in ice skating. But it's given right after Spring Break, every day for a week. My daughter will be 8yo for her first test. She's smart, So I'm not worried. I just think it sucks. I would like her to take the 3rd grade test in November so we can learn new stuff for the rest of the year. And I wish we had funds for prep school. Not that there's a prep school in Rockland County that I would send her to.

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