Friday, March 21, 2008

Are They On Drugs?

Paulo and I went to the school dinner and dance. Ballroom dancing I thought. Ha! Was I wrong. It was Israeli dancing with unbridled passion. After a few horas with "real steps" as he refered to it, he asked me if everyone here was on drugs.

Most schools make the dinner mandatory whether you go or not - you still have to pay for it. They offered first year students a free pass for the dinner. Not everyone took them up on it.

Purim was interesting this year. As my dear readers know, I'm not a fan of holidays or vacations. I sort of have to play along for Cutie. She's on this Star Wars kick with her friend N who was the only one who guessed her costume correctly as Princess Leah. OK it was a white flower girl dress with a white turtleneck, necklace and silver belt. The giveaway was her hair in loops around her ears. It was the best I could do. The battery in the camera wasn't charged.

1 comment:

rachel said...

you guys are so funny! However hokey, it was good to see you getting down, jewish style, with the rest of us.